Polyphasic Sleeping in Ann Arbor

Hi, I'm Jeremy, a father of 3 and a computer programmer from Ann Arbor Michigan. I switched to a polyphasic sleeping schedule to try to deal with my obstructive sleep apnea more effectively. I started this blog to track my progress.

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Day 9 - Over-sleep analysis

Wow, okay. No memory of that. Not good. Apparently I set the alarm, woke to it, and I must have on some level intended to reset it for another nap right away. Except I didn't actually set it the second time.

I was obviously out of it in the video, but I did all the "ritual" things after a nap. I got up, turned off the alarm, thought I turned off the camera (must have missed the button) and got ready for a second nap right away. Except I never actually set the alarm for the second nap. Odd.

The good news is that except for this waking up and not remembering it bit, the 2:30 nap was a "good" nap in the sense that I didn't show any obvious signs of apnea episodes. I used my dental appliance that holds my jaw forward (which happens to also be very portable, which is nice). I'm going to take the rest of my naps today with it and see how they go.

As far as why I over-slept, last night I went out with some friends for the first time since I started the transition. We went to dinner then a movie. I took 2 naps in the car during the festivities. Maybe somehow I wound up pushing myself too hard? Maybe the naps in the car weren't good enough quality? Hard to say.

Anyway, I guess what this really means is I need to NOT take back-to-back naps. Too much room for missing something when I'm just waking up.


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