Polyphasic Sleeping in Ann Arbor

Hi, I'm Jeremy, a father of 3 and a computer programmer from Ann Arbor Michigan. I switched to a polyphasic sleeping schedule to try to deal with my obstructive sleep apnea more effectively. I started this blog to track my progress.

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Monday, April 03, 2006

Day 10 - Long waking period

I'm coming up on hour 5 for this waking period. My wife had to go out so I've got the kids and it's their "running around being crazy" time of the day (as opposed to the "really sleepy so I can cheat and put them all down for naps" time of the day).

I haven't passed out, but I'm definitely slowing down majorly. I only have another 30-60 minutes to go so I think I'll make it. I wonder if this will have any impact on tonight's naps though. Hope not.

Okay, guess that's all I've got to say then. Yep, must be slowing down.


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