Polyphasic Sleeping in Ann Arbor

Hi, I'm Jeremy, a father of 3 and a computer programmer from Ann Arbor Michigan. I switched to a polyphasic sleeping schedule to try to deal with my obstructive sleep apnea more effectively. I started this blog to track my progress.

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Day 11 - New plan

In an effort to avoid car naps, I'm going to limit myself to one nap in the car each day. This will be a 7th nap just to make sure I'm functional for the rest of the day until I can find a way to sleep in the car effectively.

To make this work it means I need to cut up my work schedule into 3 separate 3 hour chunks. This gives me enough time to get back and forth to home to sleep/eat.

I've already got approval to work from 5am to 1:30pm. The 1:30pm time is less flexible since I want to be home to help out my wife in the afternoons. So I'm going to slide the 5am time earlier and work instead from 1am to 1:30pm. I live about 10 minutes from work without traffic.

Here's my thinking:
  • 12am - 12:50am: Nap/eat
  • 1am - 4am: Work (3 hours)
  • 4:10am - 4:50am: Nap/eat
  • 5am - 7am: Work (2 hours)
  • 7:10am - 8:50am: Get kids ready for school/nap/eat
  • 9am - 12:30pm: Work (3.5 hours)
  • 12:30pm - 1pm: CAR NAP AT WORK
  • 1pm - 1:30pm: Work (1/2 hour)
  • 1:40pm - 4:30pm: Watching kids so my wife can work, run errands, etc.
To make up for the car nap at work I'll be taking an extra nap at home sometime. I'm currently thinking 10:30pm but we'll see how that goes.

For those that added, yes, that's 9 hours of scheduled work not 8. The extra hour is for when things slip a little.

The downside to this plan is I'm essentially going to be "at work" for 12 hours of the day for a while. Between that and watching the kids, most of my "extra" time will be taken up (i.e. no extra time for video games, house work, or side projects..). On the other hand I get to feel fabulous and spend an extra 3 hours with my kids each day ;-)

So that's where I'm at. I'm going to start it tonight unless my wife has some concerns.


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